Insurer & Reinsurer

Douglas Newton

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Russell Parker Retires from Klapton Following 3 years of highly valued service, Russell has announced...

Steven Gweth and Stalla Shyalama join the sureties team, plus Contemi signed to deliver new...

Through its extensive experience in providing Sureties to markets across the globe, with particular involvement...

Sureties products are essential tools used to support of trade throughout the world. They are...

It will surprise nobody that year on year charter rates retrenched between 2019 (pre pandemic)...

In June 2020, Klapton concluded the issuance of a Residual Value Guarantee Cover Note to...

Klapton is pleased to announce the issuance of a new policy related to the maritime...

Building on the Maritime Sureties business line, which serves the global shipping sector, Klapton is...

It is possible to mitigate against the risks inherent in the industry The ship finance...