Insurer & Reinsurer

Klapton receives Investment Grade rating from Bloomfield Investment Corporation credit rating agency

Sir Klapton Insurance Company receives investment grade Credit Rating

Rob Bygrave, the CFO of Klapton is pleased to announce that the Company has just been awarded an A1- (Investment grade) short term credit rating and a BBB+ (Investment grade) long term credit rating by Bloomfield Investment Corporation.

This rating will enable Klapton to significantly develop its business in the WAEMU region, there is already a strong pipeline of transactions which can now be completed.

The rating report by Bloomfield highlighted a number of positive comments about Klapton including the strong management team, the high equity level contributing to the company’s financial strength, good control of overheads, good liquidity levels and strong strategic planning.

Mr Bygrave further commented that this rating was achieved due to the hard work and commitment of the Klapton team.

Bloomfield is a leading rating agency in West Africa, and one of two approved rating agencies by the regional exchange (BRVM). Bloomfield specializes in XOF regional ratings.